Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sabr by Imam Ibn Juzayy al-Kalbi


Imam Ibn Juzayy al-Kalbi1

Sabr (steadfastness) is mentioned in the Qur’an in more than seventy places. This is

because of the tremendous importance that steadfastness has in the din. It has been said

that every good action has a limited reward, from ten-fold up to seven-hundred fold,

except for steadfastness whose reward has no limit. That is because of Allah’s words

Only the steadfast are paid their reward without reckoning.”

Allah mentions eight types of honour shown to the steadfast:

 The first is love. Allah says, “And Allah loves the steadfast.”

 The second is help. He says, “Truly, Allah is with the steadfast.”

 The third is mansions in the Garden. He says, exalted is He, “They will be

recompensed with mansions because of how they were steadfast.”

 The fourth is a full and ample reward. Allah says, “Only the steadfast are paid

their reward without reckoning.”

 The other four are all mentioned in one Ayah (in al-Baqarah) in which they (the

steadfast) are given the good news. Allah says, “Give good news to the

steadfast.” And there is mention in the same Ayah of mercy, compassion, and

guidance as rewards for the steadfast ones. Allah says, “Those, there is on them

mercy and compassion from their Lord and those they are the guided


There are four aspects of steadfastness:

There are four aspects of steadfastness:

 Steadfastness in affliction, which is the act of preventing the self from becoming

discontented and impatient;

 Steadfastness in good fortune, which is to bind it fast to gratitude, without

overstepping the limits or becoming proud and self-important because of the

good fortune;

 Steadfastness in obedience by safeguarding it and becoming constant in it;

 Steadfastness (in refraining) from acts of disobedience by withholding oneself

from them.

Above steadfastness there is surrender, which is abandoning opposition and

discontentment outwardly and abandoning dislike inwardly.

Above surrender there is contentment with the decree, which is the self’s happiness with

the act of Allah; it issues from love, for everything the Beloved does is beloved.

11 The author was born in 693 AH. His name was Abu `Abdullah Muhammad, called al-Qasim,

ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Juzayy al-Kalbi, i.e. from the Arab tribe of Kalb, may Allah be

pleased with him and make him contented, and make the Garden his shelter. He was al-Gharnati

(from Granada in Andalusia, Spain) and thus European. Ibn Juzayy wrote widely on all the

sciences of his day: Hadith, fiqh, Qur’anic recitations and tafsir. He died fighting as a shahid in the

Battle of Tarif in the year 741 AH.

1 The author was born in 693 AH. His name was Abu `Abdullah Muhammad, called al-Qasim,

ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Juzayy al-Kalbi, i.e. from the Arab tribe of Kalb, may Allah be

pleased with him and make him contented, and make the Garden his shelter. He was al-Gharnati

(from Granada in Andalusia, Spain) and thus European. Ibn Juzayy wrote widely on all the

sciences of his day: Hadith, fiqh, Qur’anic recitations and tafsir. He died fighting as a shahid in the

Battle of Tarif in the year 741 AH.

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