Saturday, December 15, 2007

Two Articles

Article One:

“Mubahala – The challenge of Tawheed”

by Yusuf Roque Morales

Whenever the Banner of Monotheism waves, The polytheist raises his voice to oppress and crush the light emanating from the radiance of monotheism, this event leads to a polar confrontation between tawheed and mushrik, typically manifested in the phenomenon called MUBAHALA. Little do we know that this event has occurred in more than one instance at of which we are familiar with the event related to the verse in the holy Quran.

“If anyone of you disputes this matter with you now after full knowledge has come to you say: come! Let us gather together, our sons and your sons, our women and your women; our selves and your selves, then let our selves pray and invoke the curse of God on those who lie” [surah al-imran ayah 30-61]

This ayah to the incident when the Christians at Najran had a discourse with the holy Prophet [SAWA], who with his proof presented on the unity of God being undeniable, the christians still held fast to their beliefs. This ayah descended as a command of Allah , of which the five noble souls, Muhammad [SA], Hassan and Hussain [the sons ], Fatima [the women ], and Ali [the selves ] complied with the divine command and challenged the christians to a spiritual duel, that whose ever is on the side of truth invoke God’s wrath on the liars. The bishop of the christians realized that any person lead and goded by god when going to a spiritual test or challenge will definitely bring his close kin and false prophet will indeed do other wise.

Those, instead of risking their lives, they agreed to pay tribute and respect the faith of the prophet [SA], they however asked that they remain as Christians. Interesting to note, however, that mubahala was not actually a phenomenon restricted to the era of the holy prophet each in their own time had resorted to this divine practice, of which we shall illustrate a few examples drawn from previews prophets. But first we must draw a working definition of mubahala.

Mubahala may be defined as a “confrontation of a monotheist and a polytheist of which a spiritual challenge is raised by either party; it may be a charge delivered to an unbeliever of which the monotheist shows them the proof, the signs of Allah and by deducing them based on the knowledge and revelation given by God at a given moment”.

It is therefore forwarded either to a group of or to an oppressor to prove the validity of a claim. It is an universal challenge of monotheism, polytheism and oppression, based upon this working definition of the aforementioned phenomenon, let us review the following examples.

The Bhaghavad –Gita is a very famous vedic epic of which illustrates the battle of which Arjuna has to fight with his uncles, who have turned unbelievers and in the midst of the battle, the entity known as Krishna enlightens Arjuna on the justification of the confrontation of good and evel, represented on the one side as enlightenment, just governance and spiritual liberation on the former, while ignorance, oppression and spiritual slavery on the latter.

Arjuna argues that the taking of life is indeed an inhuman act degrades one’s true purpose, but Krishna reminds him that it is his duty and calling to bid others to righteousness and to stop others from the commission of errors – even if he has to get them when challenged.

The Prophet Noah(AS) himself had tried to warn his people of their inequity were faced with the same dilemma. One of the idolaters later came and taunted that if Noah’s God was indeed God, he should send a flood to devour them, a challenge of which Allah accepted and later sent the flood-even to the extent drowning one of Noah’s offspring.

Two universal examples would be the lives of Ibrahim and Musa (AS) , which both in their lifetimes were leaders of their peoples. Ibrahim(A) in his era was forced to be in a situation meeting the polytheist head-on, so as a result he went to the place where idols lay and broke all the idols save the biggest one. In the morning he was confronted by the infidels and was questioned concerning the incident.

Replying that if the idol was indeed a self existent entity, it could have known so, therefore he concluded, they should ask it. The infidels as result were enraged and threw him [Ibrahim] to the fire telling that if Ibrahim’s God was trully God, he [Ibrahim] would be saved from the fire. Ibrahim left the fire without a hair strand burned.

The same incident repeated itself in David’s time when the Jews were in object captivity. They we all to worship the statue of Darius, Daniel and his three friends refused to do so and mere thrown into fire, but due to their belief Allah and their challenge…the escaped unscathed in the fire.

Musa (A) in turn, when he was ordered by Allah to set the children of Israel free, was challenged to show the might of God, thus exercising the divine phenomenon [Mubahala], of which Allah sent several pestilence’s and curses upon people of Egypt, the pharaoh in the end freed the children of Israel.

As a universal phenomenon, Mubahala, therefore, must be remembered by the Muslims as a divine ordainment set by Allah to challenge the kuffar, and in the auspicious remembrance of it, we shall prove to the global kuffar that we shall face them will the truth….

Article Two:

Shahadat, what does it signify?

By Roque Yusuf Morales

It is merely martyrdoom?That is death for a noble cause(perhaps worthy?)Then there plenty of people who if it into this term.But what indeed does shahadat do to a man?Does it change lies initial state into

a transformation so different that the end could not be said or discerned and be the result of the initial(original)stage?

PERHAPS because as Husayn(A.S.) has said,

"That death(for a noble cause)for the sons of Adam, is as beautiful as the neck of a young beautiful girl.Death is an ornament for mankind"

How does it influence him?

Notions of right or wrong vary from one person to another,since their sense of justice varies from a just man to a unjustman .

Shahadat when performed in its highest state before the eyes of the RELUCTANT people (those who have a high sense of justice but hesitant to act due to his personal interests at stake) may illustrate to him the stance that justice makes,that a man of his beliefs would stand by his principles and performs this highest act of saenfice and attain his goal.

Now time awaits this man,everything in expectal of the man who believes in the values see that there values see that there values are being destroyed,yes time awaits that man's action.It occups in the annals of historyand still does.


When a man sees an ultimate sacrifice(Shahadat)done,thoughts come to his mind,he then starts to ask, why was such an act commited? Isn't there a more sensible or logical way to act in order to resolve.This conflict without dying?

This onlooker may or may not COMPREHEND. This concept at the onset,but later finds out that such an act was not commited in desperation done in hopelessness, but an act done wheer aim is to awaken them the consciousness of man that they may rise up and act. The onlooker then, as a results, self realizes himself and proceeds in the second stage.


When Kuffar and Iman have a head on coilission, confusion arises within a unsure person with in himself. One cannot compromise...To do so would ENDANGER ONE'S FAITH LEAVING A STAIN OF HYPOCRISY IN ONE'S HEART . It would indeed bean acid test of one's faith on how he has to decide. Because it is one's faith which is at stake, there are no in betweens or half-allegiances, one must consider the results of his decisions TWO DEATHS,WHICH IS WHICH?

In this view a question props up, what is to be done? Therefore in reply to this questions, a reply goes thus,”The Idealistic revolutionary standards of Islam at the time of the Prophet (SAWA) must be reviewed.

Times have changed and Islam is no longer what they can the” wandering bedouins faith” and only is in Makkah and Medina.

It is the large Ummah which spans the four corners of the globe. E'ven Alis brother Aqil ran to Muawiyah? One then looks at the situation realistically. It if is only shahadat which can keep the flame alive.

Those who witness it (Shahadat), which in its pristime form, the Bystander will feeling as if he is in a deep ravine between two strong FORCES, Both fighting from within/without him.

On one side lies the path of righteousness and Icon of which his wordly possessions and pride may vanish by simply following the way of justice, which may find its culmination at the cost of his life.

On the Other hand, lies the way of subjugation simply watching events happen as they evolve...But there lies the danger of the tinge of hypocrisy witch may take root and the feeling of in difference to suffering may soon form; at the same time enjoying all the material benefits to the loss of all the goods of the hereafter. Indeed he will fall into a dilemna of choosing between two paths- which is which?

Sabilillah why?

The man then stamps his choice after going OVER the arguments in his mind the knows that a Shahid is the best thing,second to none in the WORLD.

The Shahid may be described like a candle whose job is to burn out and get extinguished so that they may light out the path so others may see that the shuhada are the candles of society.

If they do not shine, no light would guide men. Had they not shed their light on the darkness of DEPOSITION and suppression, humankind would've made no progress.


In Islamic terminology there is a word with has a special sanctity. When anyone familiar with the Islamic modes of expression hears term, he knows it possesses a certain degree of honor the word in reference to is Shahid.

From the Islamic joint of view, only the person who has accused the state of Shahid, is the only one that has created are; to its (Islamic) standards.

The Qur'an tells of their state in the following verse:

“Think of those who are claim the way of God as DEAD. Nay they are alive, finding their sustenance with their Lord(Al Qur'an 3:169)

It is well known, In the history of Islam, many of its exatalled personalities have been martyrs, not to mention the people of merit within its folds like students who seeks the truth to gain the favor of God dies the death of a Shahid in the course of his studies.

They are, in the words of a lover of God (Wali-Ullah)

“Those who die for a Noble cause is the name of Allah.”


As one comes across the precept that in EVERY rule of thumb, between two parties one is on the right and the other is on the (wrong) misguidance, one has no other recourse but to follow the path of guidance .

Following the Quranic maxim, “command to do right and forbid the performance of wrong”, in the contemporary sense it would mean “Uphold the rule of justice and fight oppression.” There is no other way.

Subjugation of priorities from personal to common good

When one person soon has a firm belief that such an act needs to be performed in its expediancey, he will then start to reconsider the priorities he has made being that “A day spent in fighting for justice is better than a whole lifetime in living in silence living in tyranny,” he will set aside all worldly goals and a slowly proceeds towards Shahadat.


Witnessing the injustices done, one may rise up against the oppressors and fight them. Irregardless of the consequences which may be a result of such act. Death comes only as a secondary result .

The sacrifice than is a result of which may on may not materialize in death. What comes to fact here is the witnessing the act which is immortalized, only to be raised a step higher with death!

Look at Husayn! We lets go of his life, leaves his town and rises up (Qiyam) in order to die because he has no other recourse to do so to condemn and desgrace his foes. He chooses this path in order to pull the contains aside which comes the ugly faces of the oppression which decieve, whether he lives or he dies, he obtains his objective-Shahadat, witnessing the oppression and injustice, by injecting his own blood as the force to awaken others to the Ideology of his grandfather of the Prophet (SAWA)

Shahadat bears witness to that which some would rather let remain hidden in the dark recesses of history. It a symbol of that which must exist.

It is bearing witness to which to what is taking place in this silent and secret time, and finally, Shahadat is the only reason for existence, The only sign of being present, only manner of resistance that truth, righteousness and justice can remain alive at a time in which uselessness, falsity and oppression rule.

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